KUNCARGO Speditionslogistik und Dienstleistungen e.U. offers you a diverse selection of specialized services. In the following you will get an overview.
We offer versatile transport options, such as general cargo and groupage, partial and full loads, special transports (express, special transports, transport of valuables, dangerous goods and many more) as well as parcel services in the e-commerce sector. We have a large network in Europe and Asia. We are specialized in transports to and from Turkey and Asia. Of course we take care of all customs formalities of your shipments and will be happy to advise you.
We offer you worldwide express deliveries by air through our worldwide partnership with well-known companies. We respond to your individual wishes and also offer you the possibility of collective deliveries by air transport as well as multi- and intermodal transports. Of course we take care of all customs formalities of your shipments and will be pleased to advise you.
Thanks to our network with renowned forwarders and shipping companies, we can offer you full container loads (FCL) and partial container loads (LCL) as well as combined, multi- and intermodal transports. Of course we take care of all customs formalities of your shipments and will be pleased to advise you.
We are happy to offer you partial shipments as well as full loads by rail. Full container loads (FCL) and partial container loads (LCL) as well as combined, multi- and intermodal transports are also serviced by rail. Of course we take care of all customs formalities of your shipments and will be glad to advise you.
We would be happy to charm you with our logistics solution for your supply chain logistics. Our services range from procurement logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics to disposal and recycling logistics. Together, we are sure to find the optimal solution for your industry.
We will find the right customs procedure for you, whether for import, export or transit of goods. We offer you all customs procedures including special procedures (storage, end-use, processing and transit procedures). Our employees are always up to date with the latest knowledge and will be happy to advise you on tax and customs matters.